Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in Your Church
Pastors, there are many ways to observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in your churches.
• In Your Sermon / Message: Take this opportunity to discuss abortion and other life issues during your message to your congregation. We have provided some scripture verses above that can serve as an inspiration for your message as well as statistics about abortion in our state and nation.
• Distribute SOHLS Cards: Black Advocates for Life offers postcard size “Sanctity of Human Life Sunday” cards to distribute in your church or place in your bulletins. You can request those from
• Share a Personal Testimony: Identify a congregation member or guest speaker with a personal testimony, especially those women who have been hurt by abortion and have found healing and forgiveness, and ask them to share their story with others.
• Discuss in Sunday School / Small Groups: Recommend that your Sunday school and Bible study leaders discuss abortion and other pro-life issues with their groups. Encourage these small groups to discern ways God is calling your congregation to take a further step in protecting human life.
• Invite an Expert: Invite a local speaker from a pro-life organization to give a message to your congregation. Louisiana Black Advocates for Life can assist in providing or helping to identify the right presenter.
• Enlighten Your Youth: Plan a special “Life Night” for your youth group that focuses on the pro-life cause. Invite a speaker or local group to visit with your youth and plug them into local pro-life efforts. Louisiana Right to Life’s youth team offer engaging “Pro-Life 101” presentations designed for youth. You can also promote upcoming Pulse Immersion Camps sponsored by Louisiana Right to Life to train student pro-life leaders.
• Play a Pro-Life Video: Play pro-life videos during your worship service. We offer a great video called the “Miracle of Life” (Click here to download) that you can download and play at no cost.
What Your Congregation Can Do
• Pray: Pray for men and women facing the fears associated with an unplanned pregnancy and for those who are suffering in silence with the regret of past choices they have made.
• Speak Out: Be respectfully brave on social media by posting honest articles that inform, help and heal.
• Educate Yourself and Your Children: Learn more about abortion and other life issues by reading books or articles. Watch a pro-life movie, such as “Bella” or “October Baby,” with your children and discuss it with them. Even books like “Horton Hears a Who!” by Dr. Seuss can instill a pro-life world view in young children.
• Help a Pregnancy Center, Maternity Home or Adoption Agency: Support a local pregnancy center, maternity home and/or adoption agency in your community. Pregnancy Centers provide free services to pregnant women to assist them both before and after birth. You may donate supplies or money, or volunteer your time. To find a list of all pregnancy resources in Louisiana, visit or
• Help the Elderly and Disabled: Visit a nursing home or assisted living facility and listen to individuals’ stories, help an elderly church member with projects around their home, provide respite care for parents of a special needs child, or pay for a disabled child to attend a summer camp or participate in another fun activity.
• Give a Child a Home: Become a foster parent, or adopt a child.
• Participate in Outside Events: Promote and participate in local, statewide, and national pro-life events, such as the Louisiana Life March gatherings held in multiple areas across the state. Learn more at
• Be Politically Active: Call local, state and national officials and let them know you don’t want your tax dollars going to abortion providers like Planned Parenthood. Cast your votes for pro-life candidates.